Sweet Girl Photography, LLC

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alisa Lynn Hooker and I am a photojournalistic/lifestyle photographer serving the Downriver, MI area- This is where I will be posting some sneak peeks of my latest sessions and random tid bits about myself and my life in general. Hope you enjoy it, because I certainly enjoy sharing my work!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The orchard

It's rare that you will see me out and about without my camera...even if it's just a trip to the mall with my best friend or a quick stop to my mama's house for dinner. It's almost like my camera is another body part or something, so needless to say I can't live without it. This habit of mine paid off during a trip to Apple Charlies last weekend- My husband and I took our girls to see the sights and sample some "umma-yumma's" as Daisy calls them (aka cookies, lol). Since I was toting my itty bitty cam around, I decided to stuff Amelia in a bin full of pumpkins and click away until I got the shot I wanted. I know it sounds like something you shouldn't do, but it was worth it, as you can see :) I'm a proud mama, to say the least. As I was clicking away, a gentleman approached me with a notebook and pen, asking me if Amelia was my daughter. I told him yes and questioned why he was asking. Another woman walked up with a camera and informed me that they were from a local newspaper and and were wondering if they could use a picture that they had taken of me while I was taking pictures of Amelia with the pumpkins. She showed me the shot and I was ok with it, so Amelia and I will be in a little section of the Belleville View in a few days. Too funny. Well, here's a few shots I got of my little family from the orchard...as usual, I'm not in any of them since the camera is usually attached to my eyeball. We'll rely on the newspaper to prove that I was there! Hopefully I can get a copy either online or an actual hard copy...I will post it if I can! As cute as I think my kids are, my favorite from the day is of the cow with it's tongue up it's nose! This was taken a few seconds after the darn thing tried to gore Daisy through the fence! Never a dull moment...

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