Sweet Girl Photography, LLC

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alisa Lynn Hooker and I am a photojournalistic/lifestyle photographer serving the Downriver, MI area- This is where I will be posting some sneak peeks of my latest sessions and random tid bits about myself and my life in general. Hope you enjoy it, because I certainly enjoy sharing my work!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Daisy's Christmas

She's been described many different ways....outgoing, fearless, a firecracker, a pistol, and a princess. Yep...that about says it all! She's one of a kind, my Daisy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Amelia's first Christmas

I'm sure you're all sick of me talking about my babies by now, but they're my life! And my littlest one is about to experience her first Christmas and I just had to plop her in front of my backdrop to document it. She definitely loved the candy cane!! Little Miss Amelia called me mama this week for the first time, so I'm especially smitten with my babies at the moment :)
*Click on each picture for a better view!

Oh Amelia, you make MAMA smile!

Stay tuned for Daisy's Christmas gallery...she gets the star treament this weekend!
