Sweet Girl Photography, LLC

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alisa Lynn Hooker and I am a photojournalistic/lifestyle photographer serving the Downriver, MI area- This is where I will be posting some sneak peeks of my latest sessions and random tid bits about myself and my life in general. Hope you enjoy it, because I certainly enjoy sharing my work!

Friday, August 27, 2010


This little sweetie pie was 6 days old and the toughest newborn I've ever met, BY FAR! She was practically rolling over already and didn't want to miss a thing, so she stayed awake for hours while I was there. I'm telling myself it's because she just liked the way I looked, but she's just a mover and a shaker! Boy, mama and daddy are going to be chasing this one around for sure!

Isn't she precious?

Thanks for finally falling asleep so I could get these cute shots Emma! Your a little sweet pea!

Another little one to add to my growing list of baby girls to invite to Daisy and Amelia's princess parties :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kaitlyn, class of 2011

So glad we didnt let the rain scare us away!

I felt young until I did this shoot! Ha! Had a great time Kaitlyn, thanks for the experience!

Friday, August 13, 2010


These pics took FOREVER to edit because i didnt want to lose an inch of any of them because they were all so beautiful! We had a perfect day in the park, as you can see!

The best part about the day was asking Marissa (the little girl) to sit in the tree for me, and her saying "I dont like ants. I'm Guatemalan."
Out of the mouths of babes!

Had a great session Amber and Marissa! Thanks for the experience!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
